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Package 1 Highlights

Package 1) The Highlight! We will produce a 6-8 minute highlight video of your event. This package includes 4 hours (half-day) of shooting and a two days of editing to deliver a polished presentation of the highlights of your event! Two (2) DVD copies come with this package, Additional DVD's can be purchased a la carte,




Package 2 Extended Highlights

Extended Highlights! We will produce a 10-15 minute Extended Highlight Video of your event. This package includes a full day of shooting (8 hours) and 5 days of editing to create a polished extended video of the highlights of your event! Four (4) DVD copies come with this package, Additional DVD's can be purchased a la carte




Package 3 The Whole Show!

The Whole Show! We will produce a video that features the entire show (dead space edited out of course). This program can run up to one hour. It includes a full day of shooting (up to 10 hours) and up to 10 days of editing to create a video which allows you to relive the event in its entirety whenever you want. Six (6) DVD copies come with this package, Additional DVD's can be purchased a la carte




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Additional Options

Additional Camera: $300/full day


Specialized graphics (animations, etc.) on a per cost basis.


Specialized shooting such as additional locations or specific type of cinematic feel, to be determined per request. 

Deliverables: Uploadable to Vimeo or Youtube. (password protected unless otherwise specified)


Extra DVD's can be per purchased

a la carte


Special packaging for DVDs upon request


Standard packaging in DVD case with Agreed upon photo on cover and agreed upon graphics


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